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r bodies were dumped in shallow mass graves that still dot the countryside. The tribunal, officially known as the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, was tasked with seeking justice for crimes committed during that era. The court was 10 years in the making and opened in 2006. But despite some $­150 million in funding, it has so far convicted only one defendant: Kaing Guek Eav,toms shoes discount, also known as Duch, the commandant of S-21 prison. Duch was sentenced in 2010 to 35 years in prison for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The sentence was reduced to a 19-year term because of time previously served and other technicalities, a move that sparked angry criticism from victims who said it was too lenient. Cambodia has no death penalty. Several other major Khmer Rouge figures died before the court even existed, including supreme leader Pol Pot in 1998. Ieng Sary's death was no surprise given his age and ailing health, said Ou Virak, who heads the Cambodian Center for Human Rights. But "given the fact that the other two defendants are also in their 80s,toms shoe store, it should act as a wake-up call to all concerned the Cambodian government, the U.N,toms kids shoes., the international donors and the tribunal itself that these cases need to be expedited urgently so that justice can be served." "The whole future of the tribunal is currently in limbo, and the possibility that hundreds of millions of dollars will have been wasted is now a very real threat," Ou Virak said. "Most importantly, though, if all three die before their guilt or innocence can be determined, then the Cambodian people will quite understandably feel robbed of justice." The court has been criticized before for the sluggish pace of proceedings. But one of its prosecutors, William Smith, said the trial has taken time because the indictments are lengthy and the list of alleged crimes long. The tribunal has been dogged by other problems, including funding shortages from international donors. Earlier this month, Cambodian translators angry that they had gone without pay for three months went on strike just before the court was to hear testimony from two foreign experts. An insider's guide to politics and policy, available on the iPad or as a PDF download.[标签:标题]
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) A rarely sighted melon-headed whale has beached itself and died on the eastern coast of the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Forestry officials told reporters they tried to take the young whale out to sea several times but it kept returning to shore. An insider's guide to politics and policy, available on the iPad or as a PDF download.[标签:标题]
TEHRAN Iran (AP) A top Iranian cleric says Western countries must be "insane" because they do not recognize Iran's rights to pursue nuclear energy. Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, who is head of the hard-line Guardian Council constitutional watchdog group, also said in an address for Friday prayers carried on state radio that Iranians must be patient to endure the Western sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program. An insider's
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